About us...

How is the Center founded and how does it function?

After 6 years being a member of Special Forces, Center is founded by Željko Rendulić.
I was member of Anti-Terrorist Unit of Yugoslavia Military Police, and after  its breakdown I was one of the founders of Croatian Center for Military Police dog training "Cobra" where I was also working as an Instructor of training dogs and handlers, till 1996, when I make first serious foundation to today's private RENMAR K9 dog center. All acquired experience I use today in our work with dogs. Before I have joined Military Police, my work with dogs was based on sport work and breeding. Center is divided in several segments: breeding, dog training for special purposes, civilian dog training and courses, which is run through RENMAR K9 dog center, kennel „Western Creek“, and dog training club „Velika Gorica“.

What do you do? What breeds do you use?

Our way of work for the purposes of our Center is not presented for public. We use techniques and methods which are also used by elite forces of military and police in the world, where we have implemented our practical experience and knowledge gained during many years of working with dogs and dog breeding.
Dogs that we use in our Center, we specially choose and test, and train them for special purposes (police dogs, military-tactical dogs, guard dogs, personal protection dogs, security companies dogs, dogs for detection of drugs, explosives, alcohol, cigarettes, money, people, etc.). Breeds that we use are: German, Belgium, Dutch Shepherds and crosses of those shepherds; Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Springer Spaniels, Cocker Spaniels, German Wirehaired and Shorthaired Pointers, Hungarian Vizslas and Weimaraners.We do not exclude dogs that are not thoroughbred, if they can satisfy our needs and testing.

What is your core business?

Our core business is selection and training of dogs for special purposes. Usually we place green dogs, for single or dual purpose, to various Police and Military Forces, and to big K9 dog centers. Due to specifics of the breeding and working with such dogs, and because of big global demand for such dogs, we gather increasing team of associates, who are involved in complete process.

What are the other activities of the Center?

We organize K9 seminars and courses for instructors, handlers and dogs for different purposes, such as requirements and needs of companies/institutions for protection and detection dogs.
Instructors or hadlers who attend course, can have their own dogs who need to meet test criteria in our Center, or our Center provides dogs to them, as well as necessary working equipment and accommodation. Every attendant goes through program of practical lessons, and big attention is paid to theoretical part. We approach every handler and dog induvidually, in order to maximize working results.

Courses are held in our Center, and for the companies which select and purchase our dogs, we can organize course in any part of the world where there are proper and adequate working conditions.

How do people become your Associate?

Associates are divided in breeding and working sector.
For breeding sector, we offer females into the families. Those females are selected in the Center, for Center's breeding purposes. We mate them with our own males, and we buy-out young dogs who meet our test criteria. Breeding associate should have adequate accommodation for dogs, and should be able to maintain dog condition. Logistic support (education, trainings) is provided by Center.
For working sector, we are looking for young people, not necessary experienced in working with dogs, because we offer education for our purposes in the Center. Our practice shows that we rather choose young people without experience in working with dogs, who we like to educate in the direction specific to our work.

Here, young people have opportunity to, out of hobby and volunteering, find their future  profession. They also get basis of responsibility, approach to the job and team work, where whole team contributes to fight against drug abuse and world terrorism.